Monday, June 6, 2011

Final Version Informing Due

Your papers are due.  Anyone willing to share?

You do the course evaluation.

Then I tell you about English -- The Rest of the Story.

Consider the words knight, night, through, though, bough, cough, rough, come, give, gone.

Take a short pretest about the history of English.  Look at this chart.

Old English spoken for us.

Anglo-Saxon art

Anglo-Saxons vs. Vikings  which leads us to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.

After Norman castles we come to Middle English.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Draft #2 and Bluebook Essay

Draft #2 is due of your Informing MLA Style essay.  You read drafts and I check Works Cited pages.

You turn in your daybooks for the last check.

The In-Class Essay using a bluebook is next.  You have 45 minutes to write your essay.


1. Create the final version of your Informing MLA style essay, due Monday.